Looking to get away? Why not sign up with Pinnacle Travel Staffing for a 13 week assignment. We have openings across the United States for Psychiatric and Correctional nurses. Call now for immediate openings (716) 775-9452 or fill out an application at https://www.pinnacletravelstaffing.com/apply-now
Complete list of openings-
Arizona - RN/LPN Psych and eating disorder
Kansas - RN/LPN Psych
Massachusetts - RN/LPN Psych, eating disorder detox
Missouri - RN/LPN Psych
North Carolina - RN & LPN corrections
Pennsylvania- RN Psych
Oregon - RN/LPN eating disorder
New Jersey - RN/ LPN Corrections
New York - RN/LPN Correctional
South Carolina - RN Correctional
Vermont - RN/ LPN Psych
Virginia - RN/LPN Psych and Correctional